Kari's Line Dancing
Leave your cares behind and join us!

IN-PERSON Littleton Classes - MONDAYS Weekly (Click "Class Options" below for more.)
Beginner: Mon. 11:15-12:15. OR Adv.Beginner: Mon. 12:15-1:15 ​
$5 per class in monthly sessions. To register, call Littleton COA (978) 540-2470
Live ZOOM Classes at Home or via Weston's Zoom Rm - THURSDAYS Weekly (Click "Class Options" below for more.)
Beginner: Thu. 1:30-2:30 PM. OR Adv.Beginner: 12:00-1:00 PM
$5 pay-as-you-go. To register, call Weston COA (781) 786-6280.
Rather Dance at Home On Your Own?
Combined, I've created over 450 free: How-To, Dance Lesson, & Dance-Alongs here for your good health & fun!
Click the "How-To" or "Lesson & Dance-Along Videos" menu option below to check them out & customize what's best for you!
My website & video work is voluntary. Donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who've helped!
Email: KarisLineDancing@Comcast.net, Text/Call: 978-844-1951, YouTube: Kari's Line Dancing, Website: KarisLineDancing.com