Kari's Line Dancing
Leave your cares behind and join us!

IN-PERSON Littleton Classes - MONDAYS Weekly (Click "Class Options" below for more.)
Beginner: Mon. 11:15-12:15. OR Adv.Beginner: Mon. 12:15-1:15 ​
$5 per class in monthly sessions. To register, call Littleton COA (978) 540-2470
Live ZOOM Classes at Home or via Weston's Zoom Rm - THURSDAYS Weekly (Click "Class Options" below for more.)
Beginner: Thu. 1:30-2:30 PM. OR Adv.Beginner: 12:00-1:00 PM
$5 pay-as-you-go. To register, call Weston COA (781) 786-6280.
Rather Dance at Home On Your Own?
Combined, I've created over 450 free: How-To, Dance Lesson, & Dance-Alongs here for your good health & fun!
Click the "How-To" or "Lesson & Dance-Along Videos" menu option below to check them out & customize what's best for you!
My website & video work is voluntary. Donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who've helped!
Email: KarisLineDancing@Comcast.net, Text/Call: 978-844-1951, YouTube: Kari's Line Dancing, Website: KarisLineDancing.com

How-To Videos
Learn the Language of Line Dance
to make class learning lots easier!
Learn by Two Different Methods Below:
1) Through Terminology-Based Videos!
2) By Doing Dances!
1) Learn Through Terminology-Based Videos!
What separates experienced dancers from beginners is that experienced dancers hear a dance term, e.g. grapevine, and know immediately which foot movements are associated with that term.
Learning the language of line dance is the best way to expedite your own journey.
There are a bunch of How-To Videos below that can help you learn line dance terminology.
Each is taught at a slow pace and will give you lots of practice to create muscle memory.
Below are two lists for your convenience:
- The list called "Especially for Newcomers..." is a great tool for newcomers as it's set up to teach you in a way that will make learning easier and progressive.
- The list below called "Pick and Choose Terms Alphabetically ..." is a great reference if you'd just like to hone in on one particular move. This list is better for those who've already been dancing a bit and know the terminology to some extent.
In each list just click on the name of a term and its How-To video will open in a new window. (Close the window you'd like to return here.)
You also have the options to watch the videos back-to-back in continuous play from a starting point of your choice by using the "Click HERE" links as instructed below.
Especially for Newcomers!
Use the Videos below, in order, to
Most Easily Build your Skills
Click a Term Below to Access Its How-To Video in a Separate Window
To watch all the below videos in order (non-stop, one right after the other), click HERE!
It will always start at the beginning (i.e. "Know Where Your Weight Is") but you can also click once on the video where you want to start watching and let it ride from there
i.e you might be ready to skip ahead and can do so.
Know Where Your Weight Is
"Step" vs. "Touch/Tap"
Tempo & The Count
Walks (Walk with Kick, Conga Walks, Walk with Taps)
Grapevines (front-facing, basic right & left)
Grapevines, Turning
Lock Steps
Jazz Boxes and Turning Jazz Boxes
Hip Bumps (aka Hips or Bumps) - Singles & Doubles
Side-To-Sides (aka Side-Touches)
K-Steps (aka Special K)
Cross Points
Point Crosses (with Similarities to & Differences from Cross Points)
Rock Steps (aka Rock Recover)
Rocking Chairs
Side Rock Cross (aka Rock and Cross)
Pivot Turns
Paddle Turns
Toe Struts
Toe Strut Jazz Boxes (Regular and Quarter-Turning)
Heel Struts
Heel Switches
Toe Switches
Monterey Turns - Quarter & Half (Teaches Toe Switches too as foundational)
Rumba Boxes (aka Box Steps)
Shimmy - Shoulder Shimmies
---- Moves Below are Beyond-Newcomer Level ----
- Mambo Steps
Cha-Cha-Cha's - Intro to the Rhythm, A Drill, Triples, & Shuffles If these terms are new to you, this covers all in one video and is appropriate for newcomers. For a shorter video, see the separate video called Triples & Shuffles.
Triples & Shuffles (aka Cha-Cha-Cha's, Triple Steps, Shuffle Steps - Basic Frwd,Bkwd,Side) This video is a shorter version of the one above called Cha'Cha'Cha's. This one has no intro, drill, or further info on the rhythm.
Crossing Shuffles
Coaster Steps (basic forward & backward)
CrossShuffs (aka Forward Cross Rock followed by a Side Shuffle)
Sailor Steps - Basic & Turning Sailors
Behind-Side-Cross & Side Rock followed by Behind-Side-Cross
Grapevines, Rolling
Hip Rolls, Turning Hip Rolls, Roll & Bumps
Chase Turns
Funky Vine (some call this a Vaudeville but a different move is also called a Vaudeville)
Waltz - How to Count + a Little Drill
Waltz - A Beginner Dance to Learn Some of the Basics
More to come!
Pick and Choose Terms Alphabetically as Desired
Click a Term Below to Access Its How-To Video in a Separate Window
To watch all the below videos in order (non-stop, one right after the other) click HERE!
Behind-Side-Cross & Side Rock followed by Behind-Side-Cross
Box Steps (aka Rumba Boxes)
Cha-Cha-Cha's - Intro to the Rhythm, A Drill, Triples, & Shuffles If these terms are new to you, this covers all in one video and is appropriate for newcomers. For a shorter video, see the separate video called Triples & Shuffles.
Chase Turns
Coaster Steps (basic forward & backward)
Cross Points
Crossing Shuffles
CrossShuffs (aka Forward Cross Rock followed by a Side Shuffle)
Funky Vine (some call this a Vaudeville but a different move is also called a Vaudeville)
Grapevines (front-facing, basic right & left)
Grapevines, Rolling
Grapevines, Turning
Heel Struts
Heel Switches
Hip Bumps (aka Hips or Bumps) - Singles & Doubles
Hip Rolls, Turning Hip Rolls, Roll & Bumps
Jazz Boxes and Turning Jazz Boxes
K-Steps (aka Special K)
Know Where Your Weight Is
Lock Steps
Mambo Steps
Monterey Turns - Quarter & Half (teaches Toe Switches too, as foundational)
Paddle Turns
Pivot Turns
Point Crosses (with Similarities to & Differences from Cross Points)
Rock and Cross (aka Side Rock Cross)
Rock Steps (aka Rock Recover)
Rocking Chairs
Rumba Boxes (aka Box Steps)
- Sailor Steps - Basic & Turning Sailors
- Shimmy - Shoulder Shimmies
Shuffles aka Shuffle Steps (Basic Frwd,Bkwd,Side) & Triples This is the same video as the one below called Triples & Shuffles.
Side Rock Cross (aka Rock and Cross)
Side-To-Sides (aka Side-Touches)
"Step" vs. "Touch/Tap"
Tempo & The Count
Toe Struts
Toe Strut Jazz Boxes (Regular and Quarter-Turning)
Toe Switches
Triples (Cha-Cha-Cha's) & Shuffles ( Basic Frwd,Bkwd,Side) If these terms are new to you, you may better learn from the Cha-Cha-Cha's video, above; it's longer and covers all this one does but provides more info and a drill, to get you better at these rhythms.
Walks (Walk with Kick, Conga Walks, Walk with Taps)
Waltz - How to Count + a Little Drill
Waltz - A Beginner Dance to Learn Some of the Basics
More to come!
Enjoying the videos?
Please consider donating.
For checks, Venmo & other options,
please contact me at:
Thanks for your help!

2) Learn By Online Lessons & Dance-Alongs!
Newcomer / Early Beginner Videos
The below videos will enable you to learn as you would in a class but in the comfort of your home instead! They can be a super tool to help newbies transition into already-established classes of experienced dancers.
Using these videos is a great way to: become familiar with the fundamental terminology of line dancing, practice commonly-used moves, quicken your overall learning, and improve your knowledge and skills.​
The terms listed to the right of each video specify the moves performed in that individual dance, so if you need practice with a particular move choose a dance that uses it.
Following the order presented below can make learning easier. There's a lot of material so don't take on too much too soon. Keep it easy, comfy and fun!
When you're ready to move on to additional dances, click the Lessons & Dance-Along Videos menu option from above. Once there, start with the Level 1 videos and build up when ready.
Whichever method you choose to learn by, just dive in and give it a try. Line dancing is a process; it will not be mastered in 10 classes or even one year, but every time you dance, you will experience the fun of learning new terms, new moves, and new patterns, and they will all make learning the next dance even easier! It's all a wonderful journey - enjoy!
Moves Taught:
- Walk
- Point
- Back Walk ("Back")
- Jazz Box ("Jazz," "Jazz Square," "Jazz Triangle" right jazz box)
- Turning Right Jazz Box
Moves Taught:
- Grapevines ("Vines")
- Side-To-Side ("Step,Tap")
- Turning Side-To-Side
- Rolling Vines (in second half - this is not a newcomer move)
Moves Taught:
- Heel Switches ("Heel,Steps")
- Walk
- Kick
- Back Walk ("Back")
- Turn
- Tap/Touch (interchangeable)
Moves Taught:
- Side Together
- Tap/Touch
- VStep ("Out,Out,In,In")
- Jazz Box
- Turning Jazz Box
Moves Taught:
- Walk
- Back Walk ("Back")
- Tap/Touch
- Pivot Turn (quarter left)
- Stomp (weighted)
Moves Taught:
- Toe Struts ("Toe,Heel")
- VStep ("Out,Out,In,In")
- Jazz Box
- Turning Jazz Box

Moves Taught:
- Walk
- Kick
- Side-To-Side
- March Around
- Out-Out-In-In (on straight line)
- Double Hip Bumps