Kari's Line Dancing
Leave your cares behind and join us!

IN-PERSON Littleton Classes - MONDAYS Weekly (Click "Class Options" below for more.)
Beginner: Mon. 11:15-12:15. OR Adv.Beginner: Mon. 12:15-1:15 ​
$5 per class in monthly sessions. To register, call Littleton COA (978) 540-2470
Live ZOOM Classes at Home or via Weston's Zoom Rm - THURSDAYS Weekly (Click "Class Options" below for more.)
Beginner: Thu. 1:30-2:30 PM. OR Adv.Beginner: 12:00-1:00 PM
$5 pay-as-you-go. To register, call Weston COA (781) 786-6280.
Rather Dance at Home On Your Own?
Combined, I've created over 450 free: How-To, Dance Lesson, & Dance-Alongs here for your good health & fun!
Click the "How-To" or "Lesson & Dance-Along Videos" menu option below to check them out & customize what's best for you!
My website & video work is voluntary. Donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who've helped!
Email: KarisLineDancing@Comcast.net, Text/Call: 978-844-1951, YouTube: Kari's Line Dancing, Website: KarisLineDancing.com

Lesson & Dance Along Videos!
Want to do some online Lessons and Dance Alongs from the comfort of home?
Choose a Lesson Plan (or Individual Dance) from below & get started!
- I've created numerous Online Classes using over 230 videos (and growing) to suit numerous abilities and moods!
- Each video consists of a full-length Lesson followed by a Dance-Alongs with music & cueing.
- Click a button to access many dances from each category or click an individual video. In either case, you'll be redirected to YouTube to view the video(s).
- As these are videos, you can watch them whenever and wherever you'd like, 24/7.
- Using the blue buttons below, choose a group of dances that suit your desired level (Level 1 are the most beginner), pop in and out of classes, and mix and match to totally customize your experience!
- 50 of the first dances I posted are listed separately by name, lower on this page. To pop right into one of those for an individual lesson, just click it's name.
- Or, use the "50 Dances - Multiple Levels" blue button, "100 Additional Dances" blue button, or the "More Additional Dances" button to access all other dances individually.
-Within each blue-buttoned section, the videos will run back-to-back uninterrupted, but at any time, you can simply click an individual dance (listed to the right of the playing video) to pop over to a different dance instead.
- And remember, with a video, you can always fast forward through them, rewind, slow them down, or speed them up to get just what you want and need!
- If you already know the pattern and want to head straight to the Dance Along section, just note the Music start time in the video name and forward to there.
- Whichever path you choose, have fun, and may you find health, happiness, and freedom as you dance your cares away!
Want to do Level-Based classes using all the dance lesson videos I've posted?
Click on a blue button, below.
When you click one of these blue buttons, separate videos will play, one after another (without you needing to take any further action). Hours worth of classes are provided!
Level 1
Levels 1 & 2
Level 2
Level 3
Levels 4+
Want to access all levels of the Lesson & Dance Along videos alphabetically?
Click on any of the blue buttons below.
50 Dances (1st Posted) - All Levels
(Sorted alphabetically by Dance Name. These same dances are also Accessible via the below)
All Additional Dances - 132 & Growing!
(Sorted alphabetically by Dance Name- All Levels)
Want a Lesson & Dance Along for just one Individual Dance?
Click on the name of one of the 50 dances below by name, or to access over 130 additional dances, click the blue "100 Additional Dances" or "More Additional Dances" buttons above.)
Enjoying the videos?
Please consider donating.
(Once in, to enter amount, click once on the $0.00 & start typing, or press & drag over it then type.)
Thank you for your support!

Click a button and escape into the joy of dance!
To select individual dances from within the blue-button
Online Classes:
-Click the desired blue button.
-Look to the top right, outside of the video that's playing.
-Scroll through the list.
-Click your dance of choice!
Know the steps already and
want to go straight to the music?
Drag the video's scroll bar to the Music Start Time listed at the end of the video's title!
(Hit the Esc button first if in full screen mode.)
If no Music Start Time is noted in the title just notice how long the video is, subtract about 3:30 min from the total and the start should be around there. Most songs are about 3.5 min.
Want to skip to the next dance, just click the fast forward control on the video screen!
All titles include a level number, designated by "L" then a number e.g. L2 for Level 2. Use those to pick and choose! Level 1 is the most beginner.
More tips below!
Ann's Dance (Put a Woman in Charge) - Level 3
Blue Ain’t Your Color - Level 4
Down To the Honkytonk - Level 4
Feeling Kinda Lonely - Level 1
If new to line dancing, and catching on seems tricky, click on the How-To Videos menu option, above.
There you will find easy-paced videos I've created to teach line dance terminology and associated moves!
Knowing the terminology makes lessons lots easier!
To see more info about the dance e.g. Walls, Count, Choreographer, and Music:
1) Open the video.
2) Look below the video to the comment section.
3) Click Show More, to see all provided.
Enjoying the videos?
Please consider donating.
Thank you for your support!

Mama Don't Dance - Level 3
Smooth Like the Summer - Level 1
Walk Through the Fire - Level 2